The Hindes Family

The Hindes Family
September 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

2 days after the MTC at home

Oh my goodness I didn't realize how long it had been since I had written till I went to update this blog. Wow, so much has happened in the last couple of weeks. For starters, Curtis, Elder Hindes, is in the MTC. Andy, and I and Nathan dropped him off at the curbside. How wonderful for us to be greeted by Dennis Evans(from our ward, he works there) and Curtis' friend from Timberline, Robert Buss. There are no accidents. Elder Hindes was pretty stoked. He entered the MTC on Wednesday, Oct. 19 2011. The same day 1 year ago that we picked Michael up at the airport from his 2 year mission. Truely, life has a purpose for coincidences. There are no accidents. I am anxiously awaiting a letter from Curtis. I feel at peace. We just got finished canning 42 jars of applesauce. Some came from our own tree, but most from the Butlers. Nick is finished this year with cross-country. He made it to state, but was disappointed when he got a side ache and didn't reach a personal goal of 3 miles in 16 minutes. Instead it was 18 minutes. I still say A M A Z I N G ! It is fall break and the weather and colors are gorgeous this week. I LOVE fall. Waiting to hear if Mike got the job truck driving. It will give him more hours in the week and pay him 4 dollars more an hour. Then he can save up for school next fall. Cross fingers.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thinking of Inge

Today is Andy's moms birthday. She would've been 71 had she not passed away with cancer. I find myself thinking of her often. I have a plant in my living room that some friends gave me shortly after she died. It's a reminder to me of her. I wish she was still here to share in our lives. She was a red-headed german and had the personality to go with it. Friendly, yet stubborn. I miss you Inge. My boys are missing out on their OMA. Thankgoodness for the plan of salvation. We will all be together again someday. Looking forward to seeing her. Happy Birthday to my mother-in-law. I love you.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sept. 24-28 2011

These were good times. Mitch and Molly and Sheila, Judd, Vance and mom got here on the 24th. We drove up Payson Canyon to the main lake and walked around it enjoying the start of the fall colors. We went to the RedBarn and had delicious icecream. Then Andy grilled us steaks and we enjoyed corn on the cob. Sunday Curtis spoke in sacrament meeting. He leaves for the MTC on Oct. 19. He had a lot of people come to hear him and we had a big crowd afterward at the house. Adree, Brenton and their cute kids surprised us by attending. So fun. Monday, my mom and me and my sister went to lunch and a movie. Andy took Curtis and headed for Blanding. They went to Moab and had a hummer tour. They had a fun experience together. Monday night J. and Kami and Jarrett and Jax came over and we went to the pumpkin patch. Mike drove the tractor. This is something that has become a Hindes tradition. Grandma said she enjoyed it. Tuesday I went to work while my mom, Sheila and Vance visited with Danzel. She's my Uncle Steve's x-wife. Wednesday, I took off work and mom, Sheila, Judd and I went to Temple Square. What a wonderful time we had. We went to the museum, the visitors center, watched a movie, Joseph Smith, at the JS Memorial BLDG and then ate at the Lion House. Talk about yummy. Good times with my extended family. I hated to see the last of them leave on the 29th. Thanks everyone for coming and supporting us. I LOVE YOU!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

BIG DAY for Jason and Curtis

This was an incredible day. First of all we went to see Jason (57sauce) Dirty German(ask Jason what that means) graduate from Utah Corrections Deptartment. He is now a prison guard at Draper Prison. He got an award for Professional Conduct out of 44 other graduates. And he was 9 out of 45 who scored 90 or better on the physical test. I'm so proud of you J. Then we went out to eat and celebrate at Golden Corralle. We had to hurry and go home and change before we headed to Mani. Yes, that's the temple Curtis(hot sauce) picked out for taking out his temple endowments. It was the best way to end the wonderful day that took place. So proud of you too Curtis. I love all my sauces.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, yesterday, was nice. Michael and Andy and I went to hear Leon and Marylynn Vansicle give talks for their mission to South Africa. They leave today for the MTC. They have been very generous in assisting with Andy and Hearts and Hands. Out of the 30 homes completed this fall, they have assisted with 17. I know they are going to be great missionaries. I hope that someday Andy and I can serve a mission together. We had family pictures taken too. Not like what I had planned, but because of the weather we were forced to do something else, but it all worked out in the end. The Bings let us use their cabin on their property. This week Jason is going to be graduating from training to be a prison guard and we are planning on going with Curtis to the temple. Saturday we will be canning with some ward members here at the house. Lots going on this week and the next. I can't wait to see my siblings and mom and dad. It's been a long time since they've all been here in Santaquin together. The last time was at J. and Kami's wedding.

Friday, September 9, 2011

DAUGHTERS in My Kingdom

Last Sunday our RS president handed out this new book the church has put out for Relief Society. In the future the RS may use this book for lessons. Tonight I finished reading the book. Very good. Makes me want to be more charitable and be a better mother and woman. Now on to my next book-The Wednesday Letters. Joyce Johnson is letting me borrow it. I can't wait.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Night by Elie Wiesel

I've decided I'm going to enter all the books I've been reading recently. I read this book in less than 12 hours off and on. I read Miles To Go in less than 24. Great reads.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Preparations for soon to be Elder Hindes

Andy took Curtis out Missionary Clothes Shopping(his own money) today at Missionary Mall and then to the Distribution Center to purchase his temple clothing (thans to J. and Kami) He also got his last hepatitis shot. The date is drawing closer- Oct. 19 to the MTC. He is giving his talk on Sunday the 25th of September due to general conference and then fast Sunday and because I requested. Fall is in the air. Lots to be excited about.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Editing for the previous post.

Fifty and I'm 50 not 30 but I could'nt edit the previous post. Just a little explanation ...Think of all the friends you've made, when you're dead and in the grave. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY! As sung by hot sauce especially for maw.

Fifiy. Five zero. 50. That's ME

Happy Birthday to me! Yep, I turned 30 today and it turned out to be an awesome day. About 8 am I got a call from Ms. B singing so wonderfully the happy birthday son. So thoughtful. I went in to work for 3 hours assisting in getting our room at school ready for the year and then doing a half hour of lunch recess. Then I took some b-day cards to the post office in Payson before coming home. 9 birthdays of extended family members in Sept. 3 of whom are in Andreas family. Stopped by Smiths and bought some bread and stuff for salad thinking I would come home and make me a salad for lunch. Didn't happen. On my front doorstep was an envelope and when I opened it up there was the nicest b-day card from Juanita. Rachelle, my neighbor stopped by with Dawson and Austin and gave me some tomatoes. Love it. She told me her daughter Maggie's b-day is today and I remembered little Brooke Warrens is today also so I knew what to do. I went to Family Dollar and got 2 gifts-so fun buying for little girls btw., came home and wrapped them and then delivered. Andy called and wished me a happy birthday. he was almost to Navajo Mountain. Meanwhile, I went out to the mailbox and found an envelope from my mom and dad with 50 dollar check inside. My parents are really generous with their means and love. I called them to talk to them and Mitch was there and wished me a happy birthday. Then Sheila called to wish me one. I decided to go deposit the money, but spent it right awasy on some wall deco and bought a lasagna to feed my family tonight. Kami brought the boys over and we went to Genola to watch Matthew in his first soccer game of the season. They got masacurred. J. had come over to the house by then. We ate dinner, yummy. For once, all the sauces were getting along. Best present of all. J. and Kami got me a book by Richard Paul Evans. I can't wait to start reading it. Michael and his brothers got me a gift card to Walmart. WE ate cheese cake and ice cream. Wonderful day. I wished Andy could've been here. I missed him.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jax turned one

Today we went to the park in Payson to celebrate Jax's one year old birthday. He is growing so much. Kami told us he finally got a tooth. He has been walking now for about 2 weeks. It was nice to be in the shade of the trees at the park today despite the wasps and bees. They wanted the sweets as much as all who attended. Love you Jax. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little snickers!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jax Is Walking

J. and Kami came over tonight and in comes Jax on his feet walking all by himself. It was a sight. Papa wasn't here to see it but will be next week. Jason and Kami are sooooo generous. Usually you expect the parents to help their married children, but J. and Kami give so freely to us. I am so grateful for them. I love you J, Kami, Jarrett and Jax. You are a verrrrry important part of my life.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Another day with the grandbabies

It was a good day today with my grandbabies. It started off with Andy and I taking a walk with Jarrett and Jax in their strollers. Then Jarrett and I made banana bread. He did a lot of it. Of course we didn't do this until Jax was asleep. Jax is wanting to walk by pushing things. What a little cutie, he is. Papa took Jarrett out for an icecream just before Kami got here to pick them up. I love my grandsons. I want more and some granddaughters would be nice as well.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Cheiftan Museum

I hate to admit this, but we've lived here for 14 years one and a half months and Andy and I just barely went to Santaquins museum Friday with Little and Crazee Sauce. It's a great little museum for this small town. I was very impressed and recomend it to you if you are reading this.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


What a wonderful day. The Sauce spoke in Sacrament Meeting with Kyle Butler giving his farewell talk. Great sacrament meeting. Mild Sauce got his patriarichal blessing, very special occasion for him. We celebrated Hot Sauce's birthday a day early. Nineteen. Wow. Time goes by soooo fast. It was an awesome day for us. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CURTIS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. TIS LOVE THAT WE BRING, TIS LOVE THAT WE BRING. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CURTIS, TIS LOVE THAT WE BRING! Some young women in my ward made up a second verse to the song and I wanted to share it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Mild, Hot and the Sauce are all working cherries this summer and it starts tomorrow-Thursday. Mike will be driving truck, Nick, a tractor -graveyard shift for Mountainland (Bishop's family) and Curtis day shift at plant A for Bishop's cousins family-Chad Rowley. LET THE CHERRY SEASON BEGIN!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Nightmare, I called it. Andy's responsen " IT'S AN EXPERIENCE."

W O W ! That's all I can describe when I think about what has taken place the last few days. I never knew finding a vehicle could be so difficult. It all started when we found a car in Auto Trader. Okay so the car we liked was in California. No problem. Andy had been on the phone with the owner and checked out the car online several times. He had done the research.. The plan was for he and I to fly to Long Beach, get picked up by the owner and the next day dry back home. 3 days later we're home, but with a car we purchased in Phoenix. But I will never forget Emmanuel and I hope we see him again. I'm so grateful he came into our lives. Born in the Philippines, spent some time in the country of Jordan, where his dad is from and raised in Huntington Beach California by his half white, half asian mother. What an amazing young man for being 25yrs old. So polite, so curtious and gracious, smart, handsome and concious. If only I had a daughter. The buick regal, the tow truck, the motel rooms, the buick dealer... It would take me to long to type. Ask me about it someday. "IT'S AN EXPERIENCE!" If we hadn't of had this, we wouldn't have made a new friend- Emmanuel-I'm grateful.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Hot sauce is going to the Nebraska, Omaha Mission. I have a cousin, Tommi, who lives in Lincoln. This mission also covers parts of Iowa, a little bit of S. Dakota and Kansas. Elder Curtis J. Hindes. That has a nice ring to it. He reports to the Provo, Utah MTC on Oct. 19, 2011. The Sauce reported there for his mission on Oct. 15, 2008. Excited for you Curtis.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hot Sauce Ordained an Elder

Hot Sauce was ordained to the Melchezidek Priesthood today as an Elder. The priesthood is the power to act in the Lord's name. Men have to be worthy to hold it. I'm so thankful for the priesthood and the influence it has in my life. It was special. Andy ordained him with Mike, Jason, Grandpa Hindes and Bishop and Brother Hunsacker from the high council in the circle. Grandpa Hindes gave the opening prayer and I was asked to share my testimony at the closing. We are waitng now to get Curtis' mission call. How exciting that will be. He had dreams recently that he was called to the Illinois mission and then at another occasion he went to Mexico. Now we wait. Could be 2 weeks before the post office calls us with his mission call. Until then, we'll be anxiously awaiting.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy 5th Anniversary Hearts and Hands in Action

This past week has been awesome. 51 volunteers consisting of men, women and children gathered throughout the week in Lukachukai Arizona to build a home for Virginia Chischilly, a 72 year old Navajo woman. She loves her new home and almost likes her rocker as well. This summer marks 27 homes built in 5 years by Hearts and Hands in Action-a non-profit organization Andy and Scott Gifford put together. Scott passed away almost 3 years ago with cancer, but the love and legacy he and Andy started goes on. We had the opportunity to go visit Leo and Linda, the first recipients of a home. Andy treated them to an ice cream bar and they loved it. When they get power Andy said he'll personally bring them a refrigerator stocked with ice cream. Hugs and words were exchanged and Linda brought up "Scottie" as she called him and there wasn't a dry eye to be found. We honored Scott by giving all the voluteers a t-shirt with Hearts and Hands in Service logo on it. Originally, that's what Scott wanted to call it, but that name was already taken. New friendships were formed as children and adults played and worked together. I got aquainted with Virginia's family Josephine and Raymond and Julia's family, Elvin and Velma as I took food and water to them. I love the connection I made with them. Now it's time to prepare for next years project. My hope is one day my extended family and Andy's will be able to join us. Our neighbors and friends, Dave Sutherland and his 2 boys Scott and Seth came. Rex and Kay Bean and their daughters Sarah and Abby came from 3rd ward. It is our hope that a presentation from this project can be put together to enroll more people in to assisting. It takes many people to make a difference. I wish more people could be helped through efforts like this.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

When I grow up...

... I want to be a photographer. I haven't got a fancy camera, but I've found I really like taking pictures of birds and scenery. This past week I went to AZ and while I was in Payson AZ at my mom and dad's mobile home I had the oppurtunity to take a few pictures. So now I've decided I want to be a photographer. It's lots of fun and enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Current Events for our family

I'm so excited for my brother Vance. Tomorrow evening he's get's baptized back into the church. What a wonderful event for him in his life and I can't wait to witness the occasion. I'm taking Nick and Matt with me and we're headed out very early in the morning so we can make it to the baptism. Dad Hindes is with Andy on the reservation and Trudy and Brindley stayed here with me. Unfortunately Trudy is not feeling good. She is so good with her grandbaby. She loves him so much. Curtis and Nathan are at Timberline. Curtis is staffing and Nate is a participant. Jason is training for his prison guard job at the SLCC Larry Miller Complex. He has been tired. Lots to llearn and take in. He and Kami are redoing their living room. It will be nice when it's complete. Mike is working part time at Rocky Mountain for now. He has Thursdays off. Off to Arizona early tomorrow morning. Looking forward to the scenic drive.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's all about YOU

Regardless what we think, except on our birthday, it really is "ALL ABOUT YOU!" Happy 22nd birthday to The Sauce on Monday, yesterday. You are loved.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Home is ... Your's!

Dad and Trudy got here today. I have missed them. We have really gotten close these past few years and I'm so thankful. Trudy and I have become good friends and Andy and his dad have been able to have a father/son relationship that for a lot of years they missed out on. It feels good to be together with them. I wish miles didn't keep us seperated For we are close in our hearts. Going thfough the Great Life Training assisted us with that immensly. It'll be so nice to have them here for a visit before they head on to Michigan for the reunion. That makes me sad that our family won't be there. I was looking forward to going back there with Andy and the kids and meeting Hindes families we have never met before. I love you dad and Trudy. Thanks for the memories and all you've done for us.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"I am never doing that again."(mild sauce)

Oh the pain of it all. Frankly I was a little surprised Nick was going to still do this walking jaunt.
Thursday was the last day of school and Nick came home sick with the flu. Stomach and headache. He slept the rest of the day until the next morning, being Friday when this 50/20
started in the late afternoon. I was able to wake up early and go wait for him to come in to the finish line in Genola. So glad I did. Nick you made it and endured. Tonight you walk like an old man. lol

Friday, May 27, 2011

GRANDbaby sitting for Memorial Day weekend

Jarrett and Jax are staying with us for 4 days while Kami and J. are with friends in St. George. And today I got the flu. Oy! I napped with Jax while papa took Jarrett with him to run an errand in Payson and Jarrett even got a chocolate ice cream cone. He told papa, " I want to go back to grandma's, I'm tired." I'm so glad I can be around to watch my grandbabies grow. It's the greatest thing, being a grandparent.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

3 down 3 to go

Last night we attended Curtis' high school graduation at UVU. He did it. Yes, he graduated. Everytime I got a progress report on him, I held my breath. Sunday, he graduated from Seminary. Now he's up there with J. and Mike. Last night I told him to keep going upward. Nick, Nate and Matthew are the 3 left. Half my kids are grown up. The years are going by so fast. I love you, my children, my sauces.

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Runners, take your mark, set, (bang)!

Andy and I went to watch Matthew (Crazee Sauce) in the 3rd grade hershey track meet at the high school today. Matt ran the 50, 100 and threw a softball. He had fun. I think Andy had fun too. Carl Teemant who is over the Hershey Track and Field came up to us and asked Andy to be the starter-the person who shoots off the gun at the beginning. I took more pictures of him than Matt. I enjoy watching him.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Laurel Advisor

I have had a new calling for a couple of months now. I am Santaquin 13's ward laurel advisor. The young women in our ward are pretty special. Today the Bishop came in and gave the girls the lesson on 'Preparing for the Temple'. It was a good lesson. I'm really excited to give next weeks lesson on Temple Marriage. I'm grateful for the gospel and for my temple marriage. The Plan of Salvation is a great plan and knowing that I can be with my family forever if I live the gospel makes me so happy and brings me such hope. Grateful for my own experience as a young woman and grateful for being involved in the Young Women program as a leader in this calling and several years back as a counselor. The church is true and it's organizations help us all to return to our Heavenly parents and Christ.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My children are my blessing as a mother

I have a pretty thoughtful husband and children. It was so nice to be remembered today. My blessings as a mother are my children and their children. What more could I ask for. It was great gettting together and eating. Andy made his tasty homemade icecream. Strawberry flavor for Kami. He grilled steak and german sausages. Very yummy. I have a very thoughtful daughter-in-law. I hope all my sons marry women with this attribute of Kami's. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Friday, May 6, 2011


EFY 2001 Cherie Call - Beautiful (Mormon)

Daughter of a King (Jenny Phillips)


Being a mother has got to be one of the hardest, yet greatest thing to be. It can be very frustrating, but very rewarding. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." Right now, I can't remember who said this, but I believe it was one of the American presidents. I'm thankful to be a mother. I love my sons. All 6 of them are special in their own way. I'm grateful for my own mother. She is an example of kindness, compassion, service, dedication, and beauty... Mom you are the best mom for me and my siblings. I'm grateful for my mother-in-law Trudy. She's got a heart of gold. Thank you Trudy for being my friend. I wish I could've known Andy's mother better. She was a very affectionate woman. I'm sorry she left this world too early. I can't wait to have a relationship with her in Heaven. Thank you Inge for giving birth to Andy. He's a wonderful man. Another woman I can't wait to meet is Heavenly Mother. She must be so beautiful. Ever since I was little I always wanted to be a MOM. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Keep up the good work. IT"S WORTH IT. (yes, even the gray hairs.)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pretty sure these are the same people that robbed Jason and Kami's next door neighbor a couple of weeks ago.

1st single date for The Sauce

Mike had his "first date" tonight. Laura Martin kept telling him to ask a 2nd grad teacher out-Katie Evans that teaches at the school I work at. So he finally gave in and went on a date tonight. He took Katie to Brick Oven in Provo. He told me he thought she was nice, but she really wasn't his type. I didn't think so either, but I never told that to Mike until after his date with her and he probably wasn't her type either. I'm so glad he went on a date, now maybe asking someone else out won't take as long.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

3rd place

Matt (Crazee Sauce took 3rd place in our ward's cub scout pinewood derby race tonight. WAY TO GO MATTHEW!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I just now thought of this, we just spent the last Easter for Curtis until he comes back from his mission. Hot sauce will be submitting his papers next month. So glad I cooked a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings. It was delicious. It was great to have the family all together. I am grateful for Christ and HIS life. He is the ultimate HERO.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Car accident kills former KSL broadcaster -

Car accident kills former KSL broadcaster -


Papa sauce came upon his 1st gruesome accident since he's been a volunteer with the fire department here in Santaquin. It was a car accident on the freeway. The 16 year old son was driving and the father was in the passenger side without a seat belt on. The father was thrown from the vehicle. They found his body in the median, smashed. When they turned his body over he had a hole above his chest and his heart and lungs were in the grass in the median. Not only had he been thrown from the vehicle but it had landed on him and rolled over into the opposite side of the freeway. Lesson: Wear your seat belt!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Break

Since I work at an elementary school I get the same holidays and days off as the schools. This year for Spring break I took Nick and we drove to Mesa. Mild sauce got his drivers license on April 7. He helped me drive. He's a good driver despite the whiplash he gave me last August. We left for AZ on the 10th and drove back on the 17th. My mother has been struggling with depression. Her physical health is much better. Now to get her back to emotional well being. I have to admit when I walked in to their home, I thought she looked terrible. For the week Nick and I helped around the house. He did yard work and helped me wash all the windows. I cooked the evening meals and cleaned her ceiling fans and dusted light fixtures, picture frames, mirrors and above the doorways. I did things that would be hard for her to do. She's 81. We got to visit with family members while we were there. It was a good trip. My dad turned 86 on the 14th while we were there. I was glad I could be there for his birthday. My siblings, their spouses and I and Duane and Pam and mom and dad went to Red Lobster. Nick and Mitch came too. This was the first time Nick ate lobster. Thanks Mitch and Molly for paying for Nick and thanks Vance for paying for me. It was delicious and fun. I hope that my mom will get out and do things to keep her mind busy. She's still pretty healthy for a woman her age. Andy held the fort down with the other sauces while we were gone and was able to take them to Moab and enjoy Arches National Park. The boys enjoyed the hikes. What great memories.

Monday, April 4, 2011


"Kindness is tenderness. Kindness is love, but perhaps greater than love... Kindness is good will. Kindness says, 'I want you to be happy.' " -Randolph Ray

Sunday, April 3, 2011

General Conference Sunday

We started the day off right with a wonderful breakfast: bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes and o.j. All the family was here. Right down to the youngest Hindes-Jax. We watched conference on LDS. org until we had to many internet interuptions and then second session we listened to on the radio. Well, what we could hear amidst the noisy kids. We then had a late lunch or early dinner, at 4:15. Yummy teryaki, pineapple chicken meatballs from Costco, salad and baked potato. It was a very nice day because all the family was together. I love my husband, my children and grandchildren. Thank you Lord.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


For my husband, my children(in law), my grandchildren and my posterity: Hold on to what you've been taught in the gospel. The lessons you've heard from teachers. The conversations you've had with your parents, brothers, grandparents, extended family and friends and co workers. This life isn't easy. It's hard to imagine in the pre-existence we agreed to the trials that would come upon us, but we did. Many blessing await us if we only live like this song says and HOLD ON ! You are loved. We are all loved. Love one another.

Live Like You Believe by Jenny Phillips

Friday, March 18, 2011

PIne Cones

What are pine cones good for? Tossing back and forth with your favorite neighbor. Rauschs' backyard and our backyard face eachother. Up until about a year ago, they had a ponderosa pine tree by the back fence. Barbara started throwing pine cones over the fence and the boys would pick them up and throw them back. Almost 14 years later and even though the tree isn't there anymore some pine cones still remain and last Sunday I caught little sauce (Nate) and crazee sauce (Matt) throwing pine cones back and forth over the fence, to Philip. So now you know just want pine cones are good for. Love you Philip and Barbara. Thanks for the memories.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Make a Difference

Had a very nice weekend. Friday we got up very early and left the house at 5:10 am. Gladeeh spent the night here so we could just take off and be on our way. We headed to Navajo Mountain first, then went to Chinle, then Lukachukai and finally Westwater. 1200 miles later. We got back home around 11:00 pm Sunday night after dropping Gladeeh off at her home. Met and mingled with some wonderful people. 2 missionary couples serving in Chinle whom just happen to be the parents of Dave Sutherland across the street and Courtney (Tami) Rogers a block away in the culdasac. Visited with Tamara who is married now and has 2 little ones. The first child is from a rape. Hearts and Hands built her a home in Chinle 4 years ago, although she is not living in it now. Sad situation. Visited with Trisha Shorty and her children. Hearts and Hands built a home for her in Chinle 2 years ago and a year ago she was baptized. She is having her trials. We took her to the grocery store and Hearts and Hands payed for some groceries for her and her family. She will be graduating in carpentry this May. Took Gladeeh over to Lukachukai the next day. Spent an hour visiting with her brother Ralph and his wife. Talked about plants and gardening and concern over how many youth on the reservation are committing suicide. That night Andy showed me some breathtaking views of Canyon de Shelley (Shay) Sunday we went back to Lukachukai and met up with Gladeeh. She had spent some time with 2 of her sisters and her granddaughters. It was hard for her to leave. She wants to move back. We visited Julia's home. She wants and addition. And took pics of her house and the house behind her that desperately needs to be torn down and have a new one built. A grandmother and her grandson and his pregnant girlfriend live in it. Hopefully with enough donations and volunteers we can make a difference. That's what it's all bout, isn't it. Went to Westwater on the way home that day and visited with Jesse. She's 86 and a sweet navajo woman. She's not living in her home yet, but wants to move in this summer. She has a wonderful caretaker looking out for her. Lots to do in this world to help others out. Afterall isn't that what it's all about?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Good things come to those who wait, even though it's hard!

The Sauce got the job at Rocky Mountain ATV in Payson. He starts this Wednesday. What was suppose to be part time has turned into full time. Prayers are answered... at some time. Life IS good. Sent out invites to Hindes family reunion today. Fun to make them. I am looking forward to going to Michigan in June.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Help Life Is Baeutiful. -- A Kindness Story

Help Life Is Baeutiful. -- A Kindness Story

Helen Keller and working in the skills room today

Today I worked in the take home library/skills room. I had 6 students come in for discipline. While I was in there, I picked out a book, 'Helen Kellers Biography.' Off and on it took me the day to read it. What a life she led. Very inspiring about her and Annie Sullivan. So much love, determination, and struggles. Amazing example. I wrote down 3 quotes that impressed me. "Obedience is the gateway through which knowledge and love enter the mind of a child." -Annie Sullivan And then from Helen Keller, "Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved." "The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse." We all have our moments of despair and discouragement but it's what we do with it that determines where we end up. I am grateful for the things I read and experienced today at work. The children that came in for various reasons- puting a book in a urinal, twisting a boys arm. (1st grader) not doing assinments in classroom (3rd grader) throwing snowballs (1st grader) not respecting self or others (3rd grader)
putting a friend in a headlock because he had his chair (6th grader) I'm grateful for this children who are my teacher. Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom.-Phyllis Theroux We all make mistakes in our lives. It's what we learn from them that teaches us wisdom and helps us to help others. Grateful.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Payson High School's sophmore team played their last game of the season today. They played Uintah and Mild Sauce was in heaven, or at least I was as his mother. Today Nick got to play most of the game. On most of the games he warmed the bench. But tonight he played his best and he was shining. He scored 8 points. 1-3 pointer, 1 free throw and 2-2 pointers. So in this sense the saying is really true. Last the best of all the rest. Way to go Nick! I'm glad the season ended this way for you. Oh, they won the game too.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

BRAVO HOT SAUCE and MILD SAUCE will be 16 Sunday the 13th.

Curtis has been in the school musical 'Little Shop of Horrors' He played Orin the Dentist and he fit the part to a T. His choir teacher said she could've casted him for all the parts after his audition. You gave a great performance today Curtis. I love ya.
Nick is turning 16! Oh my goodness. Nicky baby you can date and soon drive. You are worth waking up at 4:30 in the morning. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I LOVE Good news too, Nick can start slowly introducing foods he has been allergic to back into his diet. Keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Everything Has a Purpose

We are not moving, well at least for the time being and in the house on Vista View Drive. That fell through. The man decided he wasn't going to rent it out. So here we sit, waiting. It's good to have internet and phones again. A week without it was interesting.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Long Story, Short

Who knew that renting a home was going to be this emotional. I have cried today unsure of where we might be living. Andy talked to Kent today and he told Andy that he wants to wait a week for us to sign contracts and move in. Sounds crazy. First he only wanted us to move in for 5 months. We told him that wouldn't work for us...then he tells us a few weeks later that we can rent it for 2 or more years, but he wants us in the first of February or he'd relist it on KSL. We told him we wanted it and even walked throught the house with him again. The last thing he told us was sign contract on 31st of January and then we can move we're left hangin. I called him and asked him to be upfront and honest, "Are we going to be able to rent it?" He had a slight hesitation and said probably. I asked him to call me as soon as he can give me an answer and he said he'd get back with me soon. As of tonight expecting to get the key, we have empty hands. Probably?

Friday, January 28, 2011


3 days from now Andy and I will be signing a contract to rent a home. I must say thinking about renting again is not very exciting, but what is exciting is the house. It's the nicest house we've been in so far in our 28 1/2 years of marriage. 6 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths. 3 car garage. Beautifully landscaped if we can get the grass to come alive again. Our landlord is a divorced man getting ready to get married again. He's very pleasant and I think we'll all get along just fine. His fiance has a daughter the same age as Nick and they plan on letting her stay at the high school she has been going to. That's one reason we wanted to stay in Santaquin, so Nick could graduate from Payson High. Another reason is so Andy could stay with the fire dept. and ems. We really like it here in Sanataquin. In June we'll have lived in this towm for 14 years. We hope to have many friends and family come and visit us. Give us a little bit of notice. We've got plenty of room. Hot sauce is soooooooooooooo excited to have his own room. Sauce and Mild sauce like the idea of it too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Should A Had A Camera

I knew it. UGH! I was caught without my camera and Nick got put in to play in the basketball game tonight against Salem High Sophmore team. Nick's the shortest one on the team, but he gets around pretty good. I love seeing him play and I'm sure it boosted his morale tonight. Lander got to play also. His mom was very excited as well. Ms. B came to support Nick tonight. She's a friend in our ward. She also taught Mike and Nick in 2nd grade. She is retired. That meant a lot to me and I know it will make Nick feel good to know she was there. That a boy Nick, you can do it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Great Wall of China. Great Day

This has been a great day. Work was good. I put Dibbles scores on the computer for our students at Spring Lake. Dibbles is a nationwide reading test for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. The weather for lunch recess was sunny and nice for a winter day. Went to visit Barbara to see how she was feeling. Swept her kitchen floor and vacuumed for her. Drove in to Provo to visit George Anderson who just had surgery on his back. Irma was there too and treated Juanita and I to PF Changs. We had dessert. We all shared a Great Wall of China (4 layer chocolate cake with raspberry sauce)-heavenly and New York style cheese cake. When I was driving home tonight I came upon a beautiful sunset in Santaquin so I drove off the side of the rode to take a picture. Utah has wonderful sunsets. What a great day. I am grateful for my association with good people.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Keep your Chin Up!

Mild Sauce LOVES basketball. He's on the sophmore team this year. He sits mostly. They don't put him in much cause they don't like what they see at practice. They meaning the coaches. But between me, you and Nick...they have their favorites. Keep your chin up Nick! I love ya- no matter what.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

1st place

Hot Sauce has been at a High School Debate competition all day. He won 1st place over 6 other schools. Me, I avoid confrontation, although I will stick up for what I know is right. Curtis on the other hand seems to thrive in a good argument. Congratulations to you Curtis! I know you had fun. Looks like you might end up meeting your English credit to graduate afterall.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Grandparenting is G R A N D

I believe one of the best things in this life is grandparenting. I love spending my Fridays with Jarrett and Jax. I love seeing them other times as well. I especially enjoy watching Papa relate to his grandsons. So fun. Andy and I are blessed as grandparents.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tea Shirt

Matthew, my 9 year old(crazy sauce) was at the table drinking a cup of herb tea with me. He spilled some of his on the table and proceded to take the end of his t-shirt he was wearing and wipe the spot up. I said, "Matthew, don't use your shirt to wipe it up." His reply, "It's a tea shirt mom, why do you think it's called a tea shirt?" Duh, why didn't I realize this. So funny from my baby boy. In some ways I hope he never grows up. lol

Fingers crossed

Jason, our oldest(Hindes 57 sauce)announced to Andy and I yesterday that he is looking for a different job. He wants to be a policeman. We went out to dinner with he and Kami last night and had barely left their driveway when he said, "I have an announcement to make." I said, jokingly "You're pregnant." (lots of laughs) Then I got real and said,"You're moving?" "You're getting a new job?" BINGO. I hope he stays with it and just maybe Kami will be able to come home and be with their babies. By the way, Kami's platelet count was the best it's been, last Tuesday her count was up to 80 thousand. Yea!

Friday, January 7, 2011

What's next?

This morning Andy and I drove to America First Credit Union and gave them the Kia Optima. This is our very first experience of having to relinquish something. We were to date on the payments, but we decided it would be better to buy my moms Honda Accord from her with fewer miles on it than to keep the Optima. I hope we can have it payed off in a year. I was looking at my hands today and was thinking they're starting to look like my mothers. I am getting age spots and then I thought of something that made me a little depressed-in 20 years I'll be almost 70. Elderly people are beautiful people to me and I have a lot of respect for them but I can't imagine myself being in their situation. Lately I've really been pondering over what the future will bring? Like what will be going on in the world? How soon will Mike be married? Where will Curtis be going on a mission to? Where will we be living? Will Nick get over this food allergy he has? How much longer will my parents be alive? Lots to think about.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Memory Lane

When I got home from work today Andy was watching an old video made right after Nick was born. Claudia, Andy's sister and Inge their mom were here visiting to see baby Nick. It was so good to see Oma and hear her voice again. Almost like she hasn't died. Nick was such a cute baby. It was fun to see J and Mike and Curtis as little tikes. Andy and I both agree that Nathan and Jason are so much alike in their vocal and physical appearance and Matthew and Mike are so much alike, it's unbelievable. How we'll cherish these videos and thankgoodness Andy is on his way now to have it transfered all onto dvd. Over the years the sound and the picture have deteriorated. I'm grateful for ways to see things recorded from the past. It's very important.