The Hindes Family

The Hindes Family
September 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

2 days after the MTC at home

Oh my goodness I didn't realize how long it had been since I had written till I went to update this blog. Wow, so much has happened in the last couple of weeks. For starters, Curtis, Elder Hindes, is in the MTC. Andy, and I and Nathan dropped him off at the curbside. How wonderful for us to be greeted by Dennis Evans(from our ward, he works there) and Curtis' friend from Timberline, Robert Buss. There are no accidents. Elder Hindes was pretty stoked. He entered the MTC on Wednesday, Oct. 19 2011. The same day 1 year ago that we picked Michael up at the airport from his 2 year mission. Truely, life has a purpose for coincidences. There are no accidents. I am anxiously awaiting a letter from Curtis. I feel at peace. We just got finished canning 42 jars of applesauce. Some came from our own tree, but most from the Butlers. Nick is finished this year with cross-country. He made it to state, but was disappointed when he got a side ache and didn't reach a personal goal of 3 miles in 16 minutes. Instead it was 18 minutes. I still say A M A Z I N G ! It is fall break and the weather and colors are gorgeous this week. I LOVE fall. Waiting to hear if Mike got the job truck driving. It will give him more hours in the week and pay him 4 dollars more an hour. Then he can save up for school next fall. Cross fingers.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thinking of Inge

Today is Andy's moms birthday. She would've been 71 had she not passed away with cancer. I find myself thinking of her often. I have a plant in my living room that some friends gave me shortly after she died. It's a reminder to me of her. I wish she was still here to share in our lives. She was a red-headed german and had the personality to go with it. Friendly, yet stubborn. I miss you Inge. My boys are missing out on their OMA. Thankgoodness for the plan of salvation. We will all be together again someday. Looking forward to seeing her. Happy Birthday to my mother-in-law. I love you.